MerrillSoft was founded in
1999, it is a privately held company based in Queen Creek Arizona. The
founders have a combined 23 years of Caterpillar experience in
Information Technology and Oil Analysis lab operations. Our goal was to
fill the need for a first Class LIMS system that was extremely fast,
sophisticated, reliable but yet easy to learn and operate. We
accomplished this with FTA2000
(Fluid Trend Analysis 2000). In addition we set out to provide
on-line sample information over the Internet which would be transparent
to the lab operations, this again was accomplished in 2002 with the
introduction of Still looking for
ways to improve our customer's bottom line, we introduced highly
competitively priced lab supplies with 24x7 ordering over the Internet.
Along the same thinking we have introduced sample kits custom made
to your specifications again at very competitive prices with quick
delivery. As always our complete line of offerings is backed by our
commitment to superior customer service and satisfaction.